Dual Zoned Hardwall Cleanroom with Raised Floor for Semiconductor Application
For their high precision process, our client required the floor to be a level platform into which they could install hydraulic machinery to control any vibrations. We designed and installed a heavy grade, high density particle board raised floor.

Key facts
ISO class 7
Custom-built 49m² hardwall cleanroom
Three zones for equipment and change areas
Raised floor reducting vibrations for sensitive process
What did the client need?
Our client required a cleanroom to house precision technology machinery for a nanotechnology process, as well as a cleaning handling unit.

How did the client benefit?
The client has a cleanroom with three ISO 14644-1 Class zones for equipment and change areas.
Temperature control regulates temperature and humidity and the raised floor allows vibrations to be reduced – all creating a stable environment for a high precision process.

How did we help the client?
We designed a hardwall cleanroom with an ISO 14644-1 Class 6 zone to house the precision technology machinery system and an ISO 14644-1 Class 7 zone for the cleaning handling unit. Plus an ISO Class 14644-1 7 change area.
For their high precision process, our client required the floor to be a level platform into which they could install hydraulic machinery to control any vibrations. We designed and installed a heavy grade, high density particle board raised floor.
Safe entry and exit to the cleanroom is provided through steps to the raised floor and steel skinned hinged cleanroom doors.

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Our design and build specialists have experience working with customers in all kinds of industries on a global scale, achieving great results time and time again. We’d love to work with you as well!