ISO class 8 cleanroom for the production of dashboard components
Our client needed a showpiece cleanroom to provide a controlled environment for the ultra-modern plant in Goodwood, UK.

Key features of the cleanroom
ISO class 8
Custom-built 60m² monobloc cleanroom
Temperature and humidity control
Aesthetic fit in the immaculate, high end factory
What did the client need?
Our client needed a showpiece cleanroom to provide a controlled environment for the ultra-modern plant in Goodwood, UK.

How did the client benefit?
We worked to the URS provided and created a panel system cleanroom with temperature and humidity control. This stable and repeatable environment was intended for the production of dashboard components.
We used a closed control unit to control the temperature and humidity and our Development Team produced UV inspection lamps on a 3 point arm for the high precision work. The cleanroom also features interlocking roller doors, to protect the integrity of the cleanroom during entrance and exit.

How did we help the client?
We created a cleanroom that was equally functional and elegant in design – much like their brand. The cleanroom was designed, not only for high precision performance, but also to be an aesthetic fit in the immaculate, high end factory.
This was enhanced by high attention-to-detail design features – such as a wooden effect roof, which matched the floor on the mezzanine from which the cleanroom would be viewed during factory tours.

Start a project with us
Our design and build specialists have experience working with customers in all kinds of industries on a global scale, achieving great results time and time again. We’d love to work with you as well!