Class 8 Cleanroom for Electrical Component Manufacturer
Our client, based in Finland, needed a cleanroom for the protection of the manufacture of electrical components for the computer hardware and communication industries.

Key facts
ISO class 8
Custom-built 50m² cleanroom
Installed in Finland
HEPA filtration and cleanroom lighting
What did the client need?
Our client, based in Finland, needed a cleanroom for the protection of the manufacture of electrical components for the computer hardware and communication industries.

How did the client benefit?
Our client now has an ISO Class 8 cleanroom, which has transformed part of the existing facility into a classified clean area for manufacture.
The cleanroom is a showpiece in the plant and features HEPA filtration and cleanroom lighting to create a bright environment for task work.

How did we help the client?
The cleanroom was pre-engineered in the UK and transported to Finland for an efficient assembly on site.

Start a project with us
Our design and build specialists have experience working with customers in all kinds of industries on a global scale, achieving great results time and time again. We’d love to work with you as well!