Hardwall cleanroom with automated HEPA-lite™ canopies for injection moulding process
Tex Plastics’ mission to develop higher performing, lower cost solutions for its clients, is now complemented with a class 7/8 cleanroom system that includes automated clean-air HEPA-lite™ canopies, controllable by a user-friendly touch screen interface.

Key features of the cleanroom
Custom-built 44m² cleanroom with sliding canopy
ISO Class 7 suitable for medical plastics application
Four zones reducing maintenance downtime
Control system with touch-screen interface
What did the client need?
The continuous improvement strategy towards cost-effective, lean production comes with an explicit requirement for innovation and scalability for today’s manufacturing facilities.
In looking to increase their manufacturing capability offering with cleanroom production, Tex Plastics’, found both with Lancaster-based cleanroom solutions provider, Connect 2 Cleanrooms.
Tex Plastics’ mission to develop higher performing, lower cost solutions for its clients, is now complemented with a class 7/8 clean room system that includes automated clean-air HEPA-lite™ canopies, controllable by a user-friendly touch screen interface.

How did the client benefit?
We designed a cleanroom system that uses automated clean-air HEPA-lite™ canopies, controllable by a user-friendly touch screen interface.
Our client is able to remotely activate actuators that slide sealed HEPA-lite™ canopies back to allow overhead crane access to tooling.
This customer-driven requirement ensures that clean air is supplied at the critical point of production and reduces contamination by significantly limiting the areas of machinery that are exposed to the external environment during tooling changes. This limits downtime for cleaning, reduces risk of contamination and increases productivity.

How did we help the client?
The touch-screen interface also acts as a control system, allowing full control of HEPA filtration and lighting levels, as well as monitoring pressure levels and alerting staff if the cleanroom is operating out of specification.
All of the pressure data is logged, exportable and auditable, to demonstrate performance and continued compliance of the production processes.
There are four zones inside the cleanroom, so if one machine needs decommissioning or servicing, this can be done without affecting all processes.
The modular design means that additional space can be added to accommodate more machinery or create a larger packing area.

Start a project with us
Our design and build specialists have experience working with customers in all kinds of industries on a global scale, achieving great results time and time again. We’d love to work with you as well!