Plan Your Cleanroom Lighting

Lighting is an important consideration at the design phase of a cleanroom and the choices you make should compliment your overall envelope solution. Here we will talk you through some of the options available.
To achieve the stringent levels of cleanliness and air changes required in the higher classes of cleanroom, ceiling space is prioritised for filtration. ISO class 5 cleanrooms for instance, may require full ceiling coverage, so space is at a premium. Here, LED batten lights are a practical option. The linear shape means that they have an appropriate footprint which can be surface mounted between HEPA or ULPA filters, providing a good spread of light through the facility. Consider the profile of the fitting – teardrop luminaires are lights are easy to clean and have little or no impact on airflow.
For lower classes of cleanroom, there are more options as the ceiling space is at less of a premium. Flat panel LED luminaires can be integrated into a monobloc ceiling with a flush finish, making them fully cleanable, wipeable and sprayable.
For more information, or to tell us about your project, please get in touch.