Any individual participating in the aseptic processing operation, including line set-up, filler, maintenance, or…
OQ – Operational Qualification for Cleanrooms
Overkill Sterilisation Process
A process that is sufficient to provide at least a 12 log reduction of…
Panel System Cleanroom
Monobloc cleanroom systems feature flush-fitting wall panels for reduced particle retention and superior airtightness…
Pass Through Hatch
Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS)
Highlights the specific requirements of the PQS when applied to sterile medicinal products.
Powder Coated Steel
Mild steel box section is applied with a polyester powder coating. This provides a…
PQ – Performance Qualification
Pressure Cascade
In most cases where product protection is the end goal, a positive pressure cascade…
Pressure Differential
A pressure differential is a difference of pressure between points in a process system.…
Rapid Roller Door
Rapid roll doors are effective at providing a large opening into a cleanroom for…
Cleanroom services
We don’t just design and build high quality critical environments; our expertise extends into a comprehensive array of cleanroom services.
Our services