
Design Qualification

The success of a GMP cleanroom design is dependent on a clear and concise User Requirement Specification (URS) to take through a successful Design Qualification.

Design Qualification (DQ) is the documented verification that the proposed design of the facilities, systems and equipment is suitable for the intended purpose.

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Cleanroom functional design

Design qualification (DQ)

In the DQ process, we will go through your URS line by line and prove how each requirement is met. This could be through design drawings, by technical data sheets and meeting regulatory rules and guidance.

Then, at a DQ execution meeting, we will confirm with your key stakeholders, that all URS requirements are met and if not, raise any nonconformances against the URS. We work to close any nonconformances in a timely manner, to allow unconditional approval of the DQ.

Design approach and layout

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Advanced cleanroom design

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Air handling

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Our design and build specialists have experience working with customers in all kinds of industries on a global scale, achieving great results time and time again. We’d love to work with you as well!

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